How this Sun Devil landed a job way before graduation

4 minutes

Ashley Hew graduated this spring with her degree in business management and marketing from ASU. During her time as a Sun Devil, Hew was passionate about professional development and taking advantage of every resource she could to advance her career. And she wants to share some of the tips she’s learned for how to land great internships and ultimately job offers.

ASU graduate Ashley Hew

First, Hew took advantage of ASU career fairs and virtual tools. When she was a junior, Hew worked as a career peer for ASU Career and Professional Development Services office on campus to help other students connect to these resources. 

“I was able to volunteer at the Career Fair, as well as help students be successful through interview practice and resume edits. Even before that though, I went to the career fairs both my freshman and sophomore years, and that is how I got all four of my internships.” 

Hew’s internships included a human resources internship at a wealth management firm her first year, a sales management internship at Frito-Lay her second year, and a business management internship at General Mills headquarters her third year. In her last year at ASU she was at MRA Associates doing a semester-long marketing internship.

While at Frito-Lay, Hew was selected to work on the company’s national Walmart account project. 

“I worked on boosting sales at stores that were underperforming year over year at the time and successfully managed to complete 21 different sales voids and increase sales enough to perform year over year,” she said. “After the end of my internship and completing my main Walmart account project 100 percent, I received an offer to return as an intern the following year.”

Hew will be moving to Minnesota in July to work full time for General Mills in the business department. Hew says that all of her opportunities came directly from attending the career fairs and applying through the ASU Handshake website, and she knew months in advance that she’d be moving on to General Mills after graduation.

“Making conversation with the recruiters or employees at the booths of companies you are looking to work for shows that you are ambitious as well as motivated. All of my internship opportunities and offers came from interviewing directly after the career fairs,” she said.

Hew says that career fairs were undoubtedly her biggest resource for success in terms of receiving the opportunities.  

“I cannot state how important it is to attend the career fair for ASU students of any major. The career fair could be your one chance to talk directly with the person interviewing or hiring or make a direct impact on employees who currently work there! Being able to speak to your accolades and skills and experiences allows them to better learn about you as a professional. Companies also have the opportunity to see if you would be the right fit for the company and for the position!”

Hew’s best advice for current students comes directly from her dad, who has been a successful corporate recruiter for 30 years. 

He always says, “The company’s ideal future employee is already out there. You just need to show them it’s you!” 

Hew says that attending a career fair can be scary because there are so many students and only a small number of employers, but she says that taking that leap into the unknown is so incredibly important. 

“At the end of the day, getting out of your comfort zone could be the difference between getting the opportunity to intern for your dream company and receiving no offers.”

Hew has five pieces of advice that have helped her get to where she is today that she’d like to pass along to other Sun Devils. 

Let your passions guide you to your success.

Try to learn everything that you can, and don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty!

Focus on your own brand and be your authentic self always.

Make sure that your effort aligns with your aspirations!

Choose people who force you to “level up” and make you feel like you can achieve your dreams!

Austin Davis, SunDevil Storyteller