First-year Sun Devil looks toward exciting new possibilities

2 minutes

New Sun Devil and robotics major Ethan Young aims to make positive change with his love for service. 

Ethan Young mirror selfie

First Star Scholar Ethan Young

His path to ASU included being a First Star Scholar. The First Star ASU Academy is a four-year college access program for high schoolers who have experienced the foster care system. First Star provides community, mentorship, tutoring, opportunities for college credit, service learning, field trips and more. 

Young has been involved with First Star since May 2017. 

“To me, the staff and scholars aren’t strangers, they are family. For the past four years, I have had an incredible support system thanks to First Star. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them,” he said.

Young says that he’s inspired by the progress he’s made so far. 

“It’s fun to look back and see the growth that I have made, while also being aware that I am never done progressing. I’m also inspired to give back to my community as much as my community has given to me.”

Young’s deep passion for helping others and bettering the community he loves also helped him earn the St. Vincent De Paul One At a Time Scholarship, which provides first-generation students with college funding, mentorship and more 

Young said he feels excited to start this next chapter of his life and aims to create a well-rounded balance in his life between self care, academics and friendship. Learn more about First Star at ASU.

Austin Davis, Sun Devil Storyteller