From Dresses and Crowns to Caps and Gowns: Meet Miss Arizona 2023, Tiffany Ticlo.

4 minutes


 Tiffany Ticlo


The glamor, the pageantry and the bated breath; it all hung in the air moments before Tiffany Ticlo was announced the prestigious title of Miss Arizona 2023. Soon, she will once again be waiting to hear her name, as she prepares to walk the stage for Arizona State University’s undergraduate commencement ceremony. 

“I've been involved in the Miss Arizona organization since I was 15 years old,” Ticlo said. “So, this dream has been a long time in the making. I initially started competing because I wanted to gain confidence and then it ended up being so much more than that.”

Tiffany Ticlo is not just Miss Arizona — she will graduate with a degree in computer science, concentrating in software engineering, from the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, with a minor in music from the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. While Ticlo has been carving this path for herself, she credits the Miss America organization for getting her there. 

“Miss America is the number one scholarship provider for young women today, speaking of which, we're thankful to have Arizona State University as one of our scholastic partners,” Ticlo said. “I will be graduating debt-free thanks to the scholarships that I've gained through Miss Arizona and through my academic scholarships”

Where Ticlo has seen support for her journey, she wants to provide the same for young girls looking to follow her path. She uses her platform as Miss Arizona to combine her love of science and the arts, and inspire future generations to be involved. 

“One of my favorite parts about being a title holder is getting to be out in the community,” Ticlo explained. “I've been able to take what I've learned here at ASU and apply that to my personal service project for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), bringing science and the arts to all students.” 

“I know how difficult it can be at times to get access to these programs, which is why I started my platform, why I made it a priority to ensure that these programs are accessible,” Ticlo added. “Because I want students to feel empowered, to have the confidence and the skills that they need to succeed in the STEAM industry.” 

Between Miss Arizona and her studies, Ticlo has a lot to juggle. 

“I think I have about four to five appearances in a week, and I love it,” said Ticlo. “I've had really nice professors who have been able to work with me and ensure that I'm not missing any schoolwork, because academics is a priority to me, but I also want to make the most of my experience as Miss Arizona.”

Yet, through it all, she keeps a positive attitude and a commitment to her passions.


“It's okay to fall down sometimes,” Ticlo explained. “As long as the number of times that you fall down is one less than the number of times that you get back up again. And this is something that I've applied as a student in my life, as Miss Arizona and just as average Tiffany.” 

“I think my advice to current ASU students is to truly make the most of every situation,” Ticlo added. “Take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. Join those clubs. Go to those events. Sign up for a class that you may not have originally been interested in. You may learn something new.”

Ticlo is taking that attitude into the future with her, as she looks to continue her journey into science, the arts and her legacy as Miss Arizona. 

“I will be working full time as a software consultant for a company here in Arizona. I'm really excited,” Ticlo exclaimed. “I am also really passionate about music. I released three original songs last year, and I will be continuing following those passions as well. And most importantly, continuing my service work with STEAM. Continuing to hopefully encourage more students, and especially female students, to pursue a career in STEAM.”

If you want to continue following Tiffany’s journey you can find her @missamericaaz on all her socials, and at Tiffany Ticlo on Spotify! 


Lily Thorne, ASU Educational Outreach and Student Services